If you’re committed to pursuing a career in fashion, then it’s never to early to start preparing for success. For high school pupils, certain subject choices work better with the fashion degrees and diplomas than others. There are also certain hobbies and interests you can get involved with to develop your future fashion design skills.

Requirements to Study Fashion Design

Here are some suggestions about what you need to study fashion.


  1. Subjects to pursue


  • English

Being a compulsory subject, English is often overlooked, but rather than just getting that passing mark, it’s worth understanding the importance of doing well in English for fashion. In all fashion careers, effective communication is key to success. In addition, applications to fashion institutions will be thoroughly analysed and a good use of English is paramount. Learn how to use your words effectively.


  • History

Fashion trends over the decades can be linked to historical events during the time – think bright neons and short skirts dominating the 60s as people fought for free love and feminism. By understanding the social, cultural, economic, political and artistic events you are able to understand what influenced fashion, and what will influence fashion in future.


  • Art

There is nobody in the fashion industry that will deny the simple fact that fashion is art. You will get to learn about the historical influences on the subject, as well as how to create perspective and contrast, the impact of colour and texture…vital elements of the fashion world.


  • Maths

Depending on which area of fashion you are wanting to succeed in, maths could very well be a skill set you need. For fashion buyers and sellers, understanding numbers and predicting market trends all require a knowledge of maths.


  • Accounting

If you’re looking to become a prominent fashion designer owning your own business, then you need at least a basic understanding of accounting to make sure your business actually succeeds. While you don’t need a superior level of understanding, you should know the basics in accounting.


  • Business and Economics

If your high school offers a subject in business school or economics, then it may well be worth your while taking the subject. Everything from retail to fashion design requires some form of business sense if you want to truly establish your brand.


  • Home economics

Experience in tailoring is a real bonus, even if you aren’t looking to become a fashion designer. Having a little knowledge of all aspects of the industry can only grow you as a person, and put you on the track to success.

Read More: What Subjects Do I Need to Take to be a Fashion Designer?


  1. Entrance requirements


  • Bachelor of Fashion Degree

The minimum admission for this degree is a National Senior Certificate or equivalent certification. This will mean at least a 30% pass for English with a 50-59% in four other subjects.


This will also require a National Senior Certificate or equivalent with a 30% English pass and 40-49% in four other subjects.


  • Non-degree courses

If you’re looking for something to build your CV or personal skills, then a non-degree course in fashion is ideal. You would still need a National Senior Certificate or equivalent to apply for these courses.


  • Short courses

For most of the fashion institution short courses, you will be required to have a Grade 7 completion, and may require certain skill sets such as sewing.


Read more: How to Secure a Fashion Internship


  1. Interests


Outside of academic pursuits and qualifications, you can also take up some hobbies to boost your fashion college application and improve your chances of success in the world of fashion.


  • Sewing

Having a basic understanding of needle and thread is important in the fashion industry so it is worth taking up a sewing class to learn this useful skill.


  • Art

There are so many forms of art you could look into, performance art, painting, dance, pottery…expressing yourself creatively and learning to let go of inhibition is vital in fashion design.


  • Reading

Beneficial in any career really, reading up on the subject of fashion, or just reading for pleasure, will expand your horizons and open you up to new, inspirational realities.


  • Public speaking

Fashion involves a lot of networking, personal interaction and relationship building which all require confidence. Public speaking is a great way to build your confidence while learning a vital life skill.


Read more: Choosing the right fashion design school


If none of the above subjects or interests appeal to you then fashion is probably not the career for you. If, however, this list resonates with you, then it’s well worth considering your options in the industry.